lyrikline blog

Advent Calendar – 17

Posted in Autoren / poets, Fatima Naoot by lyrikline on 17. December 2012
Fatima Naoot

Fatima Naoot

Today’s Advent Calender door reminds once again that December is not necessarily a peaceful time in every region of the world. We go to Egypt, where our latest poet lives. She has chosen poetry as a form of expression to shake people up. Her poems speak of mutual respect regardless of origin, belief or religion. She pays attention to minorities in Egypt like Copts and women and follows with curiosity the social and political changes taking place in her country.

The poet behind calendar door number 17 is

Fatima Naoot

(with translations into German)

Fatima Naoot was born in 1964 in Cairo, Egypt. She studied architecture and worked in her field for ten years before she left her job deciding to devote all her time to literature. Today she works as a poet, translator, journalist and TV presenter. Fatima Naoot is considered one of the most remakable voices in Arabic poetry.

Cover of Fatima Naoot's latest poetry book, drawn by her son Omar

Cover of Fatima Naoot’s latest poetry book, drawn by her son Omar

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