lyrikline blog

The place where I write: Amanda Stewart [Australia]

Posted in Amanda Stewart, Autoren / poets by lyrikline on 19. March 2013
photo: Amanda Stewart

photo: Amanda Stewart

My studio is an unstable, expanding and contracting space that completely alters its shape depending on the stage and nature of a poem. Sometimes the entire room becomes an architecture of notes, drafts, folders, CDs and piles of books – a vertical chaos, perfectly ordered through the process of making. In the latter stages of a poem, the pages and books progressively disappear and my computer’s various text and sound software programmes become the primary places of writing. This ‘place of poetry’ embraces multiple spaces of change, renewal and abandonment. And for me, as for many writers, the first moment of the next poem can start anywhere – poiesis is omnipresent and the place we write is everywhere.

                                                                      Amanda Stewart, Sydney/Australia

Amanda Stewart on lyrikline

Congratulations from Amanda Stewart to lyrikline on its ten year anniversary.

Posted in Amanda Stewart, Autoren / poets by Heiko Strunk on 19. November 2009

lyrikline, for me, represents one of the most profound and important developments in the history of the dissemination and distribution of poetry. The design of the site is so smart, methodical and elegant. Anybody in the world with access to the internet can instantly connect with the work of hundreds of international poets, see their work and simultaneously hear them read it. One can also immediately experience poems in translation in many different languages which illuminates some of the cultural complexities of ‘intranslatability’ which are so relevant to our time. lyrikline creates an intimate, multi-layered, critical dreaming space for experiencing poetic process.

Congratulations and thanks to the staff of Literaturwerkstatt Berlin for the many innovative, visionary projects you have created and for your passionate commitment to representing and fostering all forms of poetry.

hugs from me,
Amanda Stewart, Sydney, Australia

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