lyrikline blog

reaching lyrikline poet no. 1000

So, people, we’re heading towards the next lyrikline milestone, so to say, reaching poet no. 1000 on lyrikline quite soon. Yesterday it was only 10 poets more to go, but with yesterday’s uploaded poet Nicholas Behr only nine poets are left.

Of course, we want to celebrate the occasion of the 1000th poet and will therefore organize a »Listen to the poet!« reading on October 18, 2014 which will take place at the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in Berlin. *
We will bring on stage poets who already have their poetry on Lyrikline (and one who will have quite soon) and whose poems have been the basis for a poetry film shown at the festival. These poets will participate in the event:
Ghayath Almadhoun (Sweden/Palestine)
Simon Barraclough (UK)
Paul Bogaert (Belgium)
Jazra Khaleed (Greece)
Gabriele Labanauskaite (Lithuania)
Øyvind Rimbereid (Norway)
Ulrike Almut Sandig (Germany)

Per Bergström, our Swedish Lyrikline partner will moderate the evening.
* venue: Babylon, Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30, 10178 Berlin,


And don’t worry, for the time after we have many great poets for you in the pipeline.